wtorek, 13 lipca 2010

a little bit of the sea

The temprature is so high, here, in Gdańsk! And it seems like it`s gonna be like this `till the weekend... So, the best way of wearing now is - black flats, veeery short skirt and loose blouse, or top ^^ The photos are made by this "crashed" camera (and my boyfriend of course) , and i don`t know, when it`ll be ok again...
blouse: DIY (from a skirt)
skirt: H&M
flats: bershka
bag: szafa.pl

niedziela, 11 lipca 2010

lake and the forest

Today I was only chilling with my boyfriend and best friend Paula in the forest, beside a lake. "Outfit"? Simple, comfortable and light - it was 30 grades in the shadow!
nic porozumienia
wiem, że nie powinnam ;d
jako przykładna żona wypełniam swoje obowiązki, pomagając swojemu Mężczyźnie w ciężkich chwilach pragnienia!
bez żubra w takim lesie to byłoby ciężko!

Something happened to my camera, and it`s making photos like this:
I`m not so furious at the moment, cause i`ve got analog camera and i`ve just bought maaany films <3

and some of Paula`s portraits by me:
And a little bit of os <3
swimming wear - calezdonia
top - pull&bear
skirt - zara%%

środa, 7 lipca 2010

lace body

It seems like "bodies" are everywhere. I`ve seen so many cute, lace of floral bodies on the fashion blogs, that i`ve decided to look for another one, for me. And you know what? I`ve found the perfect one. Of course, lately, everything with lace is perfect for me, but what could i do when i saw this?
Next, i started to wonder, how to do a post with this. Provocative?
No. I decided to add something more. Maybe another cute beige lace?
Yes. But it wasn`t enough. Something was wrong and it took me a moment to see, what.When everything was ready all i had to do, was to take a few pictures:
lace body, shoes - sh
lace socks - no name
pants - h&m
jacket - vero moda

Czyli co się robi, żeby usprawiedliwić przed sobą cały dzień nic nie robienia ^^

poniedziałek, 5 lipca 2010

lump reaktywacja

Nie wiem, ile już mnie nie było w lumpie, ale postanowiłam to zmienić. Muszę się tylko oderwać od komputera, umyć, ubrać i wyjść ;) Przekonała mnie do tego sukienka-tunika, którą miałam wczoraj na sobie, a którą kupiłam dosyc dawno, w celu pocięcia jej i zrobienia czegoś innego. Dobrze, że w końcu tego nie zrobiłam? Oceńcie sami:
dress- sh

piątek, 2 lipca 2010

just a dress, sun, and my love

This is one of these days, when I need  only these three "things" - dress, sun and my love <3 But, we had also my camera, so...

dress - no name

photos by my love <3